The Sacramento Bee “FEAST” spotlites ARDEN HILLS GOLD

ToBee Young Apiaries is pleased to see the Sacramento Bee “FEAST” featuring  ARDEN HILLS GOLD Honey in their current edition, 1.11.15.  As a finalist in the 2015 GOOD FOOD Awards, we are happy to provide a truly urban honey that can stand up to the standards of Slow Food advocates, who see the value of locally produced foods as an important part of our daily dietary needs.

You can find ARDEN HILLS GOLD Honey at Corti Bros, Taylors Market, Villa Sicilia, The Fulton Green Market,  Elliots Natural Foods and the West Sacramento VEGGIE TRIKE – a “truly” mobile farmers market1_RCB_20141118 Veggie trike 1118_235.


ARDEN HILLS GOLD Honey is also used by Thai Basil Restaurant, The Rind, The PEARL,  La Bonne Soupe Cafe, Sugar Mama’s Bakery, and Matteo’s Pizza & Bistro.


We thank everyone for all your support and looking forward “ToBee” your local honey source for 2015.

gfmIf you have any questions you can email us at for more information regarding honey and other bee products we provide, including pollen and pure bees wax.